• Published
    • July 18, 2019

Upcoming HFLR/CSLR Webinar to Explore Strategies and Tactics for Conducting an Effective Tabletop Exercise

Please join our sister products – the Hedge Fund Law Report and the Cybersecurity Law Report – on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. ET for a complimentary webinar, entitled “Conducting an Effective Tabletop Exercise.” GCs and CCOs are encouraged to invite their CISOs and CTOs to join as well.

The program will address preparation, implementation and follow-up for a tabletop exercise, including, among other topics:

  • who the proper participants in the exercise are;
  • what formats work best for these exercises;
  • how leaders can keep participants engaged during an exercise; and
  • how to leverage the experience to improve cybersecurity.

The webinar will be moderated by Shaw Horton, Associate Editor of the Hedge Fund Law Report, and will feature Luke Dembosky, partner at Debevoise, John “Four” Flynn, chief information security officer at Uber, and Jill Abitbol, Senior Editor of the Cybersecurity Law Report.

Registration for the webinar is available here.